Harmen's Corner

  *  Any opinions expressed are those of Mr. Guenther and do not necessarily represent the collective view of the CVHA and/or its individual members.


Citizen's Police Academy

The Southfield Police Department is excited to announce the return of its Citizen's Police Academy, a nine-week program designed to provide residents with a behind-the-scenes look at law enforcement operations. The academy begins on March 8, 2025, and will be held every Tuesday from 6 PM to 8:30 PM., culminating in a graduation ceremony on May 20, 2025, at 6pm.
This interactive program offers participants the opportunity to engage with officers, learn about police procedures, and gain insight into the challenge and possibilities of modern policing. Sessions will include hands-on demonstrations, discussions on community policing, crime prevention strategies, and more.
Applications are available at the front desk of the police department located at26000 Evergreen Rd, Southfield and are due by March1, 2025. For questions contact the Southfield Community Policing Unit at (248) 796-5400.

From City Council Meeting, February 10, 2025:

     Last nights Council Meeting stared with 4  appointments and 4 reappointments. Next came a presentation of the Food Waste Elimination Study. It is part of Sustainable Southfield. They found that 46% of food waste is generated by residences. They hopeto market their efforts through the communications dept, cable 15 and the Southfield  sun. Make food not waste.
         Communications came next. Myron Thomas complained that tho his property is zoned RA, He is being cited for a compost pile, not being able to store his tractor outside, and having a green house. Which seems to contradict what the city is trying to with their food not waste effort. Greg Keeler complained that the conference room, where the committee of the whole meets, is not big enough to hold the no. of residence that want to attend. Many having to stand in the hall way. it is difficult to hear speakers because microphones are not being used.
          The minutes of 3 previous meetings were approved. 10 items on the consent agenda were approved. Including spending $40,000.00 for one box, containing   Narcan and other drug preventive medicines to be placed in schools.
         It was mentioned that this Friday was the last day to pay taxes without penalty, The police is accepting applications for the Police Academy. With that I will close.  Harmen

From City Council Meeting, January 20, 2025:

The meeting started out with Public Comments. Stacy Jackson asked why neighboring communities were getting more grant monies than Southfield? Fred Zorn replied that the state relies on a grant funding formula and Southfield applies to all grants that they are eligible for. Greg Keiler has asked numerous times to get written responses to FOAY requests and has only received oral responses, He was worried about sewer lines backing up, flooding basements. Mr. Zorn explained that numerous times the home-owner did not turn on their sump pumps, causing the flooding. It was pointed out that the city and council cares about the citizens and will try to fix any concerns we have. 8 items on the consent agenda were approved with the authorization to restore and improve the damaged deck at Carpenter Lake being brought back at a later date due to questions about the financing about the project.

The zoning request to change the zoning for 24412 Southfield Rd. from OS- office to B3 failed by a vote of 3 to 3. This would have abled the owner to construct a oil changing business. This change was opposed by several residents living on Silver Maple. This street is only 10ft. wide. and the residents were worried  about the traffic. Coming on to Southfield would be harder and would encourage drivers to use the street as a cut through to Mt. Vernon.

During this cold spell. The pavilion will be open as a warming center. New hope Baptist Church is sponsoring tours of historical black colleges for high school students staring in March.. The meeting ended close to 9pm, after a long discussion about the oil change business. Harmen

From City Council Meeting, January 6, 2024:

Last nights council meeting was a committee of the whole meeting. This means that it met in the council conference room not in the council chambers, also there were no mikes. Under communications a lady spoke up about homeless camps on a vacant lot Meadowood and Greenfield.  The city has sent out the police to make the people move. The lot is  for sale on the cities' website. Homelessness is a country wide problem that has very few resources to solve.
A lot of time was spent on the authorization to purchase Asset Management Software. The council agreed to a rule 10 so that it could go into affect immediately.
 A investor presented a proposal to build and operate an oil change business at 24412 Southfield Road.  The council was eager to accept this proposal to build something on a vacant lot. A proposal was presented by a developer to re-use the Guardian Alarm Office Building for retail on the lower level. They also want to demolish the south building and put up a Speedway gas station and store. They wanted to get insight to see if council was willing to go with the idea before they went ahead with the engineering and planning procedure.
A discussion on an amendment to the Animal Control ordinance was also talked about. This would allow the animal control officer more power to oversee the running of chicken coops. It would require owners to get yearly renewable permits to keep chicken coops on their property. 
The length of some of the discussions was long and boring. Thats all for now Harmen.

From City Council Meeting October 28, 2024:

Last nights council meeting was interesting and long, not ending until past 11:30. The car wash on Northwestern and 12 Mile was approved, as were the time changes for our 2 cannabis stores.

The zoning change request by Kroger from B2 to B3 caused the most debate by the council. As most of you know, Kroger wants to put gas pumps where the bank building is. They are saying that the revenue from the gas will help them fix the store. They estimate that it would cost them a million dollars. The council remarked that there are smaller stores without gas pumps that are in better condition than this one. The final  line was that if you want gas pumps, fix the store first and then we will consider it. The zoning request was defeated.

Unfortunately This was not a public hearing, since that was held in August, so no comments were allowed by the residents.  Harmen

Mayor's Memo October 16, 2024 edition:

Please find the link below for the October 16, 2024 edition of the Mayor's Memo.  This piece is full of useful information.  Please copy and paste the link to your browser:



From October 14, 2024 City Council Meeting

At last nights committee of the whole meeting, an ordinance change was proposed for owners who keep chickens. This would allow them to keep their coops closer to their homes. Michael Manion gave a presentation on Southfield Branding. It seems that Parks and rec. is not following the rules. It was a long meeting and I did not stay on the presentation on the liquor licenses. This will be on the consent agenda on the 28th. Harmen

From September 20, 2024 - Photo Prize

The 25 pictures that were awarded this year were magnificent. They ranged from the pictures of the whale in front of the Library to a magnificent shot of a sunset over the city skyline. These were all amateur photographers, some of which were first time entrance. The city provided refreshments afterwards. 

From September 19, 2024 - School Resource Officers

Greetings Advisory Board Members and Chaplains,


Southfield Police – School Resource Officers inherit a huge responsibility with maintaining safety in our schools. In this instance, SRO Brandon Walker and SRO Arthur Bridgeforth received information from the students and school security that a 15-year-old male was inside of the building armed with a handgun. Both officers along with security acted very quickly, conducted a systematic search, apprehended the suspect, and recovered the handgun.


We are very proud of both of our SROs for their outstanding commitment to school safety!!


Job well done!!!


See the below links watch the video of the incident.
















*Sent on behalf of:


Elvin V. Barren

Chief of Police

City of Southfield Police Department

26000 Evergreen

Southfield, MI  48076

(248 )796-5300 Main Chief’s Ofc.

(248) 796-5305 F.




From City Council Meeting August 19, 2024

Last nights council meeting started out with several people complaining about flooded basements after the city changed the sewer system. The consent agenda was approved. The agenda items open for discussion included the extension of operating hours for marijuana retailers. The discussion regarding the construction of a new Kroger fuel station. Kroger would demolish the empty bank building west of the CVS building. Most of the discussion centered about the maintenance of the existing store and parking lot. The Kroger rep was not prepared to answer those concerns since the parking lot is not maintained by Kroger, but by the owner of the strip mall. Don't forget the Senior Appreciation Night on Wendsday. See you there. Harmen

From email 8/1/24

Greetings Advisory Board Members and Chaplains,


Chief Barren will be one of the honorees at the upcoming Southfield Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Task Force’s second Justice and Equality Awards Event.  The MLK Task force will be honoring various heroes for their continued fight to assure justice and equality every day. 


The event is a fundraiser and will be held on August 24, 2024 at the Tapestry located at 24580 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan at 12 p.m.


You are invited to participate by being a sponsor, purchasing a table or purchasing a ticket to support the honorees who have made a significant contribution during their life works to promote justice, equality, diversity or has shown quiet courage.

The proceeds from the awards reception will be utilized to fund activities of the task force including but not limited to a special 40-year celebration in recognition of the task force’s existence and scholarship funds for deserving students. 


Tickets are $75 per individual or $725 per table of ten (10).   


*To purchase a ticket please click on the link below:




You may also use Zelle: SOUTHFIELDMLK@GMAIL.COM or send a check to:  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Task Force, P.O. Box 3189 Southfield, Michigan 48037 


Please feel free to contact this office if you have any questions.






Shandera G. Dawson

Administrative Assistant to

Chief of Police Elvin V. Barren

City of Southfield Police Department

26000 Evergreen

Southfield, MI  48076

(248)796-5300 Main Chief’s Ofc.

(248)796-5582 P.

(248)796-5305 F.



Have a great day!

From City Council Meeting, Monday July 15, 2024

Good morning, Some interesting information was passed along by Fred Zorn, city administrator, concerning the flooding that occurred on June 6th and July 7-9.  He recommended that the affected homeowners file claims with their insurance co. and also with the city insurance co. risk authority. He also reiterated that the land around the house should slope away from the building. 

The site plans that were up for discussion I already mentioned in my July 2 posting. They were all passed, except the zoning ordinance text amendment to amend Title V. to change the hours of operation for marijuana sales on Sat. and Sundays. Permitting them to stay open till 9pm on those days. This was postponed to Aug.19th to give Mr. Zorn time to get more info why this change would effect the businesses.  That is all for now. Harmen

From Friday, July 5th:

Friday, July 5

Hi there,

After the recent terrible mass shooting in Rochester Hills, I wanted to share my heartfelt concern for everyone touched by this tragedy. I hope those in need have the resources and support necessary during this time.  

Visit our website to find mental health resources following a traumatic event. It has local mental health resources as well as resources specifically for children, parents and emergency responders. You may have noticed that this shooting event has caused you to revisit tragic memories of the Oxford High School shooting. Read SAMHSA’s Tips for Survivors of a Disaster or Other Traumatic Event: Coping with Retraumatization for tips managing and developing resilience to retraumatization. 

Continue to check-in with each other through this difficult time. Also, take time to care for yourself and reach out for help if you need it. 

Many of our residents continue their Fourth of July celebrations this weekend and may spend more time outdoors. As we experience more frequent extreme heat days, it’s important to know the symptoms of heat-related illness and when to get help. Please see helpful information below and on our website. You can also find a list of cooling centers in Oakland County that open during severe weather events-share this information with those who may need it.

Lastly, World Hepatitis C day is July 28. It's estimated that at least 200,000 Michiganders have Hepatitis C & many don't know they have it. Our Harm Reduction clinic is offering free, rapid Hep C testing in Pontiac (148 N. Saginaw St.) from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. on July 26. Feel free to stop in for a test!

In good health, 

Leigh-Anne Stafford, Director, Health and Human Services

Join us for Family Market Day!

Join us on July 18, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Oak Park Farmer’s Market or July 20, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Oakland County Farmers Market for Family Market Days! Oakland County residents with a State of Michigan Bridge/EBT card will receive a $5 coupon to purchase produce from local farmers on Family Market Days. Coupons are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, and must be used during the event. No registration is necessary.


From the City Council Meeting, Monday July 1st

The meeting started with the communications section. Many people living near Greenfield and 9 mile Roads complained about flooding in their basements after the June 20 storm. The main complaint was that Public Works, and the city , did not reach out to them to provide aid. The Public Works Director asked everyone there to add their names to a list and that they would be contacted.

Southfield was given a gold designation in MI Green Communities Award. The Mayor also received a Climate protection Award for his efforts.

All of the agenda items scheduled for discussion will be back in front of council July 15th for public input. These included the construction of a dog park  at Lahser Woods Park. The proposal to build a Kia showroom and service building on Telegraph Rd. This would be south of the old Toys'R'Us store. It was also discussed to change the operating hours of the marijuana stores from 6pm to 9pm. Lastly they discussed the height of decorative security fencing. Going from 8ft. to 10ft. 

Our Police Chief, Barron, was awarded the Michigan Chronical Man Of Excellence Award. Congratulations. It was pointed out that many of our elected officials attended the ceremony.  Harmen

From the City Council Meeting, Monday June 24th

Dogapalloza was a big success, with the weather being perfect. As you can see by the pictures Pat took, everybody had a good time. The storm that wrecked our neighborhood did not stop people from coming out and meeting their fury friends. 

At the council meeting , last night, Mayor Siver reiterated that he had a declared a state of emergency to get help from the state to help pay for the clean up. Southfield crews are busy getting rid of all  the branches. I saw GSL trucks going through the neighborhood picking up bagged lawn waste along with the regular garbage. On July 1st. we will have Priority Waste as our garbage pick up. Everything will remain the same, Our pick up days will still be on Mondays. The new trucks will have cameras to see that the men do their jobs. The Building dept. will wave  permit fees for 90 days because of the storm damage. All other fees will still comply. I also liked to thank the young lady, who was walking her dog, and assisted me by bringing in my garbage cans. I t was really appreciated.

The Detroit MI Pierians Artistic Award to the Friends of Southfield Public Arts in the form of a $1000.00 check.

The consent agenda was passed. This included membership to SEMCOG to gain information from surrounding communities and adhere to best practices for our cities. The fire dept. was authorized to purchase new LIFEPAK CR2 automated external defibrillators from Styker. These will have better technology, the paddles can be used on adults and children, with a lifespan of 4 years.

The Public hearings included the authorization for Farrah Properties to construct a an addition to to an existing gas station for a carry out restaurant.  he authorization for Gant 8 LLC to construct a Biggby Coffee with drive through at an existing shopping center. Contour Co. was giving permission to to construct phase 2 of the McKinley Place RUDD development. Which consists of 11 condominium townhouses. This will be completed in the end of  2025. A zoning change was requested by Southfield Christian School and Highland Park Baptist Church for 8.6 acres along Lahser and 12 mile roads. This is an empty field that they want to turn into a multi sports facility. etc. baseball and soccer. That is all for now. Stay cool, Harmen

From the City Council Meeting, Monday June 10th

At last nights council meeting the council approved the cities budget for 24-25.  The city gets 61% of our property taxes, the schools, county, and state get the rest. The majority of these taxes goes to public safety, administrative costs, the 46th district court, and general fund.

Several young ladies spoke about the lack of an ordinance covering the actions of landlords, taking care of their properties, leaving them in disrepair while raising rents.

 Rashid Talib, our representative in congress, presented the city with a $850,000.00 check to be used on Beechwood Park and Trail. Mayor Siver gladly accepted the check.

The council approved the consent agenda, which included National Garage Sale day. We are joining this with our own garage sale, lookout for our signs and contact Mike Kelly to participate. 

The other agenda items that were discussed will come back to council on 6-24-2024 for further action. The one I found interesting was that Hope Methodist Church wants a rezoning for the empty space on 12 mile and Lahser rd.. To develop it into athletic fields. Soccer field, baseball  diamonds. etc. The Miracle League is starting their games on Monday nights. Come out and watch the athletes with disabilities. Play. 

The Photo Prize pictures were judged by the TLC and the top 25 will be displayed on the walls of city buildings. with on line voting starting in July. The pride awards submissions are being accepted now by the Community Relations Dept. Find directions and more information on the cities web site.  All for now Harmen. 

From the City Council Meeting, Monday, May 6th

Last nights Council Meeting was very interesting in that I got up to speak in the comments portion. What got me going was that the Judges of the 46th District court took expensive trips out of country for educational purposes. Why do they have to go to Ghana or Dubai when the conferences are offered for free on line. The sad part is the city supports the court with our tax dollars. It is also possible that the judges increase  the amount of court costs to defendants to help cover these trips. It was a very interesting article in the Sunday May 5 Free press. I hope you had a chance to read it. I will not vote for Judge Nance or Johnston when they come up for reelection. Mayor Siver and several other court watchers thanked me for my comments. 

May is Mental Health Month and May 19-25 is National Public Works Week. We need to thank the people that work in our Public Works Dep. They will replace the fence along 12 mile once the council passes the budget. I also asked them to restripe Webster at Southfield.

5 people were appointed to different boards and commissions. The agenda items that were discussed the receipts of bids for 2 projects to replace water mains and road improvements.  The presentation  regarding the proposal to operate a fence contractor's office with ancillary showroom and storage. The presentation and discussion regarding a proposal to reconstruct/expand an existing gas station/conveniences store including the addition of beer/wine/liquor sales and a carry out restaurant at 30835 Greenfield Rd. at the southwest corner of Greenfield and 13 mile rd.

Police Chief Barren was awarded the Michigan Chronicle 2024 Men of Excellence Honor. Congratulations Chief Barren. A well deserved honor. 

From Tuesday, April 30th


I am excited to share several updates from the Oakland County Treasurer's Office. We have been hard at work with various initiatives, from our ongoing efforts to prevent property tax foreclosure for families, individuals, and business owners to our annual Financial Empowerment Arts Contest and more.

I am also pleased to announce the results of our recent banking RFP and share our local investment strategy, which supports the banks and credit unions investing in Oakland County residents, businesses and communities.

I hope you enjoy this newsletter and find it helpful. If you have any questions or if we can assist you, please contact us.

See you around the county,

Property Tax Foreclosure Prevention

We are committed to preventing property tax foreclosure and helping Oakland County property owners retain their property rights. We understand financial difficulties occur and the stress of possibly losing a home or business due to delinquent taxes.

From December 2023 through March 2024, we held 1,414 one-on-one Taxpayer Assistance Meetings. During these meetings, we worked with property owners to understand their financial situation and develop repayment plans that enabled them to pay their unpaid taxes over time and retain their property. We issued 1,637 repayment plans, helping property owners avoid foreclosure and keep their homes.

In March, we also launched a multimedia campaign—including broadcast, digital and newspaper ads that generated over two million impressions—encouraging property owners with delinquent taxes to contact our office for help. We will continue working tirelessly to support property owners in our community and ensure everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive.

I attended 12 city council and township meetings to share information on the foreclosure process, our prevention efforts, and the availability of help and resources, including financial coaching from our office. Additionally, 37 communities shared the information during their city, village and township meetings.

If you or someone you know have unpaid property taxes, we’re here to help! Contact our office at (248) 858-0611.

Announcing Our New Primary Banking Partner

In February 2024, JP Morgan Chase (JPMC) Bank was selected as Oakland County's new lead banking partner after the Treasurer's 2023 Banking Service RFP process. JPMC Bank's technology strength and experience in integrating with the County's software were the main factors in their selection. The County expects to streamline processes and increase efficiencies by automating accounting entries and reducing the number of bank accounts. Our long-term relationships with Huntington Bank and Flagstar Bank will continue.

Local Investing Strategy

Our Office has a simple philosophy on investing our funds - be fiscally responsible and socially consciousness. We combine that with the highest ethical and investment standards to ensure the safety of public funds, proper liquidity and return on investment, in that order.

Our investment strategy also prioritizes local banks and credit unions investing in Oakland County residents, businesses and communities. We currently invest with the following financial institutions:

Chief Financial Credit Union
Choice One Bank
Citizens State Bank
Community Unity Bank
Cornerstone Credit Union
F&M Bank 
Fifth Third Bank
Mi Bank
The State Bank

First Independence Bank
First State Bank
Flagstar Bank
Horizon Bank
Huntington Bank
Huron Valley State Bank
Mercantile Bank
Michigan First Credit Union
Waterford Bank


Financial Empowerment Arts Contest

Thank you to the students, teachers, parents and our partners, Oakland Schools, Flagstar Bank and the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency, for participating in and supporting this year’s contest.

This year, 144 submissions from 17 Oakland County public high schools were submitted by incredibly artistic and talented students. The entries were judged on creativity, artistic execution, incorporation of the financial empowerment theme, and answers to the supplemental questions.

Winners will be announced at a private reception on May 2, 2024, and cash prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place and honorable mentions for each grade level. We are excited to share the awe-inspiring artwork in our next community update.

Around the County

The Oakland County Treasurer's Office helps provide financial stability to the County’s 63 cities, villages, and townships. On March 1, local government units transfer their unpaid property taxes to the Oakland County Treasurer's Office for collection every year.

The Michigan General Property Tax Act established the Treasurer Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF), which reimburses local government units for unpaid property taxes that are moved to the Oakland County Treasurer's Office. The reimbursement process is called Settlement.

The DTRF maintains a funding commitment of $200 million to ensure Oakland County communities have the necessary financial resources to meet their budgetary needs and provide essential public services.


Protect Your Home from Fraud

The Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds Office offers a free service called Property Records Notification (PRN) to help individuals prevent fraud related to their property records. Homeowners can search for and receive notifications about unauthorized documents recorded against their property in the Oakland County Register of Deeds Office.

This service is designed to help prevent deed and mortgage fraud by allowing residential property owners to verify suspicious documents. If suspicious activity is detected, contact the Register of Deeds office for assistance.

To learn more and register for this service, use the button below.


Learn More



Have an upcoming event that you want me to attend? Please email Zinnia Kallabat at kallabatz@oakgov.com.


Share our e-News with your
friends, family and neighbors.







From the City Council Meeting, Monday April 15th

Last nights council meeting only lasted 2 hours. This was a rarity. It started with comments from the public. The notable one was that the city should not be blamed for foreclosures. That is the job of Oakland County. They offer help in avoiding this. Contact the Oakland County Treasurer for help.

There were 3 reappointments. The consent agenda was approved. The ones standing out were the agreement with Kimmie Horn Productions, LLC to arrange The Kimmie Horn Jazz Festival at the Southfield Municipal Campus- August 9 and 10.  The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation - request use of the municipal campus front lawn and walkways for their annual 2.6 mile run. The capital improvement plan. Which include Fire House renovations and exercise equipment. Replace Police Body Vests, obtain license plate readers. They want to purchase an automatic vacuum and replace some of the linoleum in the Pavilion.

The Public Hearings were approved. the first was for Drifter Vans LLC to open a sales room, to sell custom camper  vans already built on site. he vans are being purchased from Ford. The second request was rom Tots Academy Home day Care to operate a group Care Home. This requires a state license. $ people came up in support of this request. There is going to be another marijuana store on Northwestern Highway. Several people got up to speak against it. It was approved by a 5-2 vote.

Jazz  in he Library starts tomorrow night. The 66th city anniversary will be celebrate on April 28. That is all I Have to report. Log onto the Southfield City website to find out more events and news.  Harmen

From the City Council Meeting, Monday March 25th

Last nights council meeting started off with the Southfield Fire Department Honor Guard presenting the colors. Eleven new fire fighters were sworn in. Chief Menifee gave a moving speech welcoming the new officers. He also mentioned that a hockey match between the Fire Dept. and the Police Dept. will be held on April 7th at 1pm at the ice arena.

During the communications section, some of the owners of liquor stores , and their supporters spoke against gas stations being allowed to sell liquor. `While numerous other people spoke for the idea, stating the convenience of the sale.

During the public hearing portion of the meeting, 4 items came up for their second reading. It seems we are getting a Panda Express on Telegraph Rd. Another car wash on Telegraph and 9 Mile rd., A request of the Philippine American Culture Center to refurbish a vacant church on Lahser Rd. A special use request to reuse a vacant former restaurant and bar/lounge on Southfield Rd. This would cater to an older crowed with karaoke and ball room dancing with a live band. Some very exciting developments.

The most discussion was held with the request to permit liquor sales at the gas station on Greenfield and 10 Mile. The owners of the liquor stores and their attorneys gave presentations as did the owners of the gas station with their attorneys. They cited the dangers of people drinking and driving and the idea that minors would be able to get hold of liquor.  The lawyer for the gas station rebutted that. Council President stated that our Police Chief has seen no increase in accidents or drunk driving arrests in areas where gas stations have sold booze. Considering that liquor is tightly controlled by the state and a license costs over $400,000 it would seem almost impossible.  The council voted to allow the request to move forward. It was a long meeting.

From the City Council Meeting, Monday March 5th

Last nights council meeting was long. They appointed  a new deputy city clerk, they reappointed 4 members of the Planning Commission and made an appointment to the city Center Advisory Board. !9 people were reappointed or newly appointed to different commissions. Me being one that got reappointed to the Total Living Commission.

Irv Lowenberg, our city Treasurer, gave a presentation from the county treasurer, on how to prevent foreclosures. If you have not paid your city taxes the bill has been sent to the county. You have till April 1 to pay or your residents will go into foreclosure. You will be charged a 4% administration fee on top of 12% interest. After which time your residence will be auctioned off. The auctions will be held from July till August. Call the county treasurer at 248-858-0611 or http://www.oakgov.com/treasurer to get assistance.

5 items were on the Consent Agenda for discussion. Cornerstone Plaza proposed a Facade renovation to attract new tenants. Panda Express wants to build a new restaurant at 2901 telegraph Rd. The Shell Gas Station at 24839 Greenfield Rd. wants to add alcohol sales. The Philippine American Cultural Center wants to reuse a vacant church at 23800 Lahser. A night club wants to renovate a lower building area of an existing building for a new restaurant/nigh club catering to a older crowd. Finally, the owner of the building at 23055 Telegraph wants to build a new car wash, with solar panels, EV charging stations, and the ability to recycle the water. All these items will be up for discussion again in 2 weeks.

The Police Dept. is looking for volunteers to join its Police Academy. This is a exciting program, where you learn the operation of the department, including the dispatures' job,  a demonstration by the K9 unit, and the overall function of the dept. I would recommend this course to anyone. There will be a Job Fair tomorrow ,in the Pavilion from10am till 2pm. These will not only be for city jobs but for some outside co.  Om March 8th there will be a senior vendors fair from 10am till noon. On March 20 the DSO will perform at 7pm. Tickets are $15. All for now Harmen.





 *  Any opinions expressed are those of Mr. Guenther and do not necessarily represent the collective view of the CVHA and/or its individual members.